Synthetic Innate Immunity

The innate immune system is the body’s first line of defense against infection. By taking inspiration from natural mechanisms of innate immunity, the Synthetic Innate Immunity program aims to develop medicines that can similarly provide immediate protection against pandemic viruses, such that these medicines could serve as society’s first line of defense against emerging viral outbreaks.

Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) are two important components of the innate immune system. PRRs typically recognize broadly conserved signals of viral infection—most commonly, the presence of viral double-stranded RNA—and trigger the expression of ISGs, the products of which act to inhibit viral replication. Together, PRRs and ISG products form a sense-and-respond system that acts broadly against viral infection. By encoding natural or engineered versions of these innate immune proteins in DNA delivered to the respiratory tract, we could persistently enhance a patient’s natural sense-and-respond capacity, potentially providing prophylactic protection against a broad range of respiratory viruses for months.

DNA-encoded innate immune proteins delivered to the respiratory tract

Persistent and broad-spectrum prophylaxis against respiratory viral infections

The Synthetic Innate Immunity program focuses on developing each separate component of these DNA-encoded broad-spectrum antivirals: the encoded innate immune protein, the DNA vector, and the formulation for delivery. After optimizing each component, we test candidates in vivo for safety and efficacy against viral challenge.

Innate Immune Protein Development

We test natural and engineered innate immune proteins against a panel of viruses in vitro to develop proteins that inhibit viral replication broadly across viral families.

Vector Engineering

We engineer DNA vectors that can express an encoded innate immune protein persistently and safely in the respiratory tract.

Formulation Testing

We screen polymer- and lipid-based formulations for efficient delivery of plasmid DNA to the respiratory tract.

In Vivo Testing

We combine promising innate immune proteins, DNA vectors, and formulations into drug candidates that are tested for safety and efficacy against viral infection in animal models.

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